Tuesday 14 January 2014

Thoughts on this term

This term all of my classes are religious studies, and I think i am going to enjoy this term more than i have any other term. I am so passionate about religious studies and i don't know how I didn't see this before. I have Religions and Politics, which i am enjoying despite being crap at understanding politics. I also have Social Research Methods, which is technically a sociology course but under my course schedule it is listed as religious studies. Even though I have never taken a sociology course before I think i am really going to enjoy this course. it's practical research methods, instead of just finding stuff in the library. We start with finding information in the library, then we write up interview questions and conduct this interview with several friends and students and anyone who is willing to take it, really. After this we take the information we got from the interview and make two hypotheses and create two survey questions, which will go onto a class survey that we will administer to as many people that will take it as possible.

The next class is Religions and Sexuality, and don't even get me started on how excited I am about this class! I am actually doing EXTRA readings and going ahead on the readings for class and on the critical summaries due for each reading. My other class, though, is Ritual Studies and I have to take it AGAIN because i got a D in it last semester. That's my own fault though because I was going through an existential crisis and thought that this wasn't reality. Fun.

Anyway it all in all is shaping up to be my best semester yet here at university. I am super excited to continue. I am really considering going to grad school in religious studies. My only issue is that the other university in my city that does all of the grad schools... literally the only liberal arts discipline they don't have a grad program for is religious studies. how ridiculous is that? but i love my current job and don't want to move fromt he city, so guess who is probably going to be doing distance education part time? Me...

Monday 6 January 2014

Better Run, I'm feeling 21

Miranda made a post the other day about how ridiculous it is when women who are older say they feel 20 something. I kind of agree with her on what she said. I rarely have a lot of energy, I work nights and go to class during the day. I nap in the evenings and do my homework or write my essays during my down times at work. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I'm also, like Miranda, kind of addicted to school and learning. I decided to add a last minute Religious Studies major, which means I have to take a fifth year of university. This means i will be another 5-7 thousand dollars in student loan debt.

I am very lucky, though, because my mother will be paying off half of my student loans as soon as I graduate. But, even with help, i will still be in debt well into my thirties. my twenties will consist of copious amounts of coffee and the possible need for a second job (but, fingers crossed, I will be able to secure a fifth shift at this job; but, this jobs hours are do regular that a part time job is rediculously easy to fit into my schedule. I might even get one during the coming summer for a shift or two a week.

But, i would still rather be a 21 year old university student than a 17 year old high school student. University is SO much better than high school. How stereotypically queer is that? But I guess we have to live our lives at the age we're at. Appreciate who you are right now!

FUCKITY BYE [what everyone wishes were the new doctors catch phrase]


Wednesday 1 January 2014

Not gunna fucking lie

The past while has been rough, guys. My credit card got canceled and sent to collections. The existential crisis I have been in since August has been nagging at the back of my mind, not as prevalent as before but still there. My insecurities about my identity caused by my emotionally abusive ex have been screaming at me. School has been super stressful, and I got a D in ritual studies. RITUAL FUCKING STUDIES. Bitch I PLAN ritual. So now I have to take it AGAIN with the SAME professor.

but... since Yule I have been feeling better. In the fire I threw pieces of paper with my worries written on it. So far things seem to be looking up. My credit card company offered me a settlement where I would save 200$ and a lot of interest if i paid it off in three payments, which thanks to working on my holidays will be achievable. THANK YOU DOUBLE TIME ON CHRISTMAS!

Anyway, 2014 is looking up and i am super excited to see what it will bring to me. What are your resolutions and goals?