Friday 6 September 2013

You wanna know who the fuck I am, eh?

My name is Tara, I live in Canada, I have a best friend named Miranda, and I think things about stuff. I listen, I observe, I write, I learn. I am university student majoring in both English and Religious Studies. I am a real bitch if you cross me, but you wouldn't know it to look at me, and I prefer it that way. If you get on my wrong side prepare to have me take you down a notch while I smile at you sweetly. It's probably in your best interests to stay on my good side. The best way to do that is to not be an ass-hat.

Because of the whole "English major" thing I come off as a bit pretentious on occasion. I actually don't mean to. I read far too deeply into things sometimes. Sometimes my friends have to pause the Disney movies to tell me to shut the fuck up because I wont stop talking about the symbolism of the smallest action (do NOT get me started on the moment in Mulan when her father sets down his cane and limps to pick up his scroll).

I am as queer as a three dollar bill in both sexuality and Gender - I'll get into this in another post. If you must know what my genitalia looks like then I CAN tell you it's an inny not an outie.

I come from a small town, I like to call it where fun goes to die. Thank Godde I moved away from there after graduation. I now live in the same city I attend university and it's pretty fan-fucking-tastic. It's a rather small city, it's more like a really big small town, but I still consider it a city, especially when comparing it to where I am from. The majority of my friends here are queer too. I think I only have one friend who is both straight and cis (again, I'll get more into this in another post). This whole city, I swear, is 90% queer. I heard we could give San Fran a run for it's money in queer population (in percentage, not numbers).

It might surprise you to hear that I really like to crochet and sew. I also love baking and cooking. I'm basically your grandmother except only 20 and a lot sexier (of course, I don't know your grandmother. If you think she's sexy and want to prove me wrong, please send me a picture).

I practice Paganism, I read the tarot (my deck is the Rider Waite), and I work with semi-precious gemstones. I am learning more about the use of herbs and essential oils. I am interested in aromatherapy, the reading of auras, and in palmistry. I would love to learn more about these things, maybe they can calm me the fuck down.

I hope you enjoy this blog, it will be a purge of my thoughts. They may come in waves where I don't post for weeks then post 3 posts in a single day. I need to figure out if Blogger has a queue, because it would really fucking help me. My favourite swear is fuck, and it is my go-to word in most situations, though of course it could be one of the many Canadian stereotypes I sadly (happily?) have. Sometimes I might even make a post without swearing. it depends on how I am feeling. So if you are offended by swearing, sorry (not sorry). You can either stick around and ignore it or leave now.

And if you plan to stick around after reading about my shit, thanks, and I hope you enjoy your stay in my brain.


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