Wednesday 1 January 2014

Not gunna fucking lie

The past while has been rough, guys. My credit card got canceled and sent to collections. The existential crisis I have been in since August has been nagging at the back of my mind, not as prevalent as before but still there. My insecurities about my identity caused by my emotionally abusive ex have been screaming at me. School has been super stressful, and I got a D in ritual studies. RITUAL FUCKING STUDIES. Bitch I PLAN ritual. So now I have to take it AGAIN with the SAME professor.

but... since Yule I have been feeling better. In the fire I threw pieces of paper with my worries written on it. So far things seem to be looking up. My credit card company offered me a settlement where I would save 200$ and a lot of interest if i paid it off in three payments, which thanks to working on my holidays will be achievable. THANK YOU DOUBLE TIME ON CHRISTMAS!

Anyway, 2014 is looking up and i am super excited to see what it will bring to me. What are your resolutions and goals?

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