Saturday 7 September 2013

A new day begins bitches

My current job is kind of stressful. Don't get me wrong it's not horrible, but sometimes it just grinds my fucking gears you know? I work at a call centre for a cell phone provider and I have only been on the phones for four weeks and I have already been called numerous disgusting names from the customers. My favourite of which is "cock sucking little cunt". But hey, I don't have to worry about that anymore because yesterday I got a new job! Actually right now I am skipping my other job to do the training for this one.

The thing I am going to like about this job is that it's work that matters. I get to help people in need. People VOLUNTEER to do the same job I'm going to be paid 11$ and hour to do. It's going to be over nights four days (nights?) a week. Which is great if you're a fucking university student. There's even an opportunity to do my readings and homework there, maybe even nap if its slow because, come on, I'll be working from midnight to eight am.

For security reasons I can't tell you what my job entails or where I am being hired, but it's a not for profit organization.... So you know everyone cares. Which is super refreshing in this world where people would gladly fuck you over just to get ahead. I know you're saying "Tara, we don't know you, you can tell us." And yes, you are right, you don't know me, but if someone from work were to find out I was giving details about my job publicly on the Internet I would be fired. Right there. On the fucking spot. Maybe with a bit of sympathy but then again... What's the first rule of fight club? (For those of you who do not know its "don't talk about fight club." To know more you can pick up the book "fight club" by Chuck Palaniuk. Seriously do it. Great writer. Or of course there is the movie. It has Helena Bonham Carter AND Brad Pitt. Come on now!).

Anyway I'm rather excited to be starting this new journey in my life. I feel like I'm no longer up the river without a paddle, more like a lower middle class cruise ship cabin?


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